Watch and Rate the new CineNOsin Trailer!
I hope you enjoy it :)
O! and btw, I made it :)
Watch and Rate the new CineNOsin Trailer!
I hope you enjoy it :)
O! and btw, I made it :)
Posted by
Rob W. Oakley
7:55 AM
Thoughts & Opinions
Labels: film, my projects, school
-----It’s a curious condition, something we all have, and something I don’t want anymore—human emotion: why bother having it? If it weren’t for love, there wouldn’t be any hate, if it weren’t for happiness, there wouldn’t be despair, if it weren’t for peace, there wouldn’t be any war.
-----It’s been a rare occasion until as of late and there is nothing lonelier then a dinner table with empty seats. As I set my own table, and sat there in solitude, I couldn’t help but think, “For how much longer I will sit alone, for how much longer I will be by myself, and how much longer will I have a place to call home?” I’ve taken so much for granted—every blessing disregarded—because at that moment I was only thinking of myself. Did it occur to me at all that when I leave this wonderful home God has so blessed me with to go on and do my own thing that I won’t be the only one saying goodbye? Did I consider the feelings of those whom I claim to love and how my lack of existence would impact their lives? What would the world be like if I was to suddenly disappear; a better place perhaps? Questions. . . Is that all I can do? The minutes slowly drifted across my little rift of time; I pondered further, to try and come to a close, the last 18 years of my life. . . Was it all worth it?
-----WAKE UP! I cried inside! Don’t you understand that this isn’t the end? You aren’t losing anything but why do you feel and see your world falling apart? Hold on to your emotions! Don’t let go! They make you who you are. . . Why are you in despair? Every bite was bitter sweet, painful, depressing. I couldn’t stand to think of a world without love because I realized that even though there is pain and misery I truly wouldn’t have any other way. It’s the pain that makes me stronger, faster, better. It’s love that I want most. . . But can’t have. . . Because I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve my wonderful family, my wise parents, my fun-loving siblings, my encouraging friends. Hell and damnation is what I deserve! Lord I cannot fathom why you would love such a monster. Amazing was all that I could think of then. Although I live in a world full of imperfection, lies, deceit , dirty looks, and the things people use to say—it’s the curve that made my confidence crash—I still serve a God who will always love me no matter what and the only thing He asks in return is that I love Him back. I was so selfish. . . This is your life and it’s been all but ordinary; now sit inside your wall of shame leaving what’s forgotten, you make it so hard to find a world, a home, you can call your own.
-----My plate was now empty but the chair in front of me no longer was. I began to imagine my siblings sitting there sharing a coke, my parents sharing their wisdom, and my best friends sharing their dreams. I than understood that I wasn’t alone anymore and that I never was because no matter what my family will always love me and my friends will always be there. If not, I know for sure there is one person who will always be there for me: Christ Jesus, my Lord, my Savior, my Friend. I began to feel the comfort of His spirit within me, and the strength of His words as I reminisced their meanings. No longer was I afraid, no longer did I have doubt, and no longer did I feel alone. I used to feel that my efforts in friendships were in vain, that my involvement in the lives of the people around me was worthless, because every time you say hello that means you’ll have to say goodbye and that’s something I never want to have to do. I guess I still haven’t answered my question. . . Why bother with human emotions?
-----Without love, without joy, without peace, without emotion: we would be nothing more than empty shells and thoughtless machines; however, there wouldn’t be any misery, we couldn’t feel pain, we wouldn’t hate, or go to war. Its human emotion that defines the greatness of God for it is only love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance that comes from Him and not hate, despair, war, intolerants, roughness, disbelief, or a lack of self control. God did not want to make us love Him rather He wants us to want to love Him and without human emotion that would be impossible. Although we would feel no pain, although every mistake in life we made would have no impact, and although every painful memory we may have hidden within would go away, life would have no meaning. Pain makes us bigger, better, faster, stronger, and love makes us the greatest things of all. To love even though there is pain, to live even though there is hate and stupid mistakes in this world, to laugh even though deep inside we are weeping makes us invincible.
-----I use to think that everything I wanted to have, to do, to give, and to say, never really benefited my life; that it all sort of meant nothing because I just couldn’t see beyond myself. Now I realize that the fruit I have produced in the last few years has not only impacted my life but also impacted the lives of others and produced fruit in them; thus, I have discovered much more purpose and meaning to life. May I conclude that human emotion is very important and that I would be lost without it. There just isn’t enough love in the world and sometimes too much pain I guess that causes me to wish away my feelings, but I must always remember that this isn’t paradise (that’s yet to come) and it is in our diverse trials that worketh patients so that one day we will be made perfect and entire wanting nothing.
John 15 12- 27
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants for the servant does not know what is master is doing; but I have called you friends for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that what you ask the Father in my mane he may give it to you. These things I command you, so that you will love one another.
If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: a servant is not greater than his master, if they persecuted me, they will also persecute you, if they kept my word, they will keep yours. But all these things they will do to you on account on my name because they do not know him who sent me.
Posted by
Rob W. Oakley
12:36 PM
Thoughts & Opinions
Labels: creative writing, philosophy, readers digest
Sometimes life is defined with simple letters, symbols, which represents some state of being or thought. It was quite amusing: while working at the French CafĂ©, this week I was privileged to open the store for business for the first time in a very long time. Well, we’ve all been there done that, it was very, very slow. No business whatsoever. To illustrate the intense boredom, we literally spelled out the word with the wooden spoons we hand out to customers so that we can locate them when their food is ready. The neat thing about the word too is that if you read it backwards you can see my name : ) So this is how we defined the day and, for the moment, our lives but all in vain for our desire to do something very soon turned into a heavy lunch rush. Other times life defines itself through action, a progressive outcome due to some result of genius or is it slight chance? Was it a work of pure design or just coincidence? It was lunch time! Of course it’s going to get busy. Let’s be honest with each other most who read my little posts profess to believe in a creative design rather than a simple roll of the dice so why then? Why pray, live, or express ourselves? It’s all preordained isn’t it? I mean I was supposed to write this… or was I?
O LORD, you have probed me, you know me: you know when I sit and stand; you understand my thoughts from afar. My travels and my rest you mark; with all my ways you are familiar. Even before a word is on my tongue, LORD, you know it all. Behind and before you encircle me and rest your hand upon me. Such knowledge is beyond me, far too lofty for me to reach. Where can I hide from your spirit? From your presence, where can I flee? If I ascend to the heavens, you are there; if I lie down in Sheol, you are there too. If I fly with the wings of dawn and alight beyond the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand holds me fast. If I say, "Surely darkness shall hide me, and night shall be my light" -- Darkness is not dark for you, and night shines as the day. Darkness and light are but one. You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! My very self you knew; my bones were not hidden from you, When I was being made in secret, fashioned as in the depths of the earth. Your eyes foresaw my actions; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be.
How precious to me are your designs, O God; how vast the sum of them!
Were I to count, they would outnumber the sands; to finish, I would need eternity.
That’s why…
What? You don’t see it? Although God knows everything, we do not and even if we could count the things God knows and is doing in our lives it would take an eternity! “But why?” you still ask. We mustn’t really trouble our minds with such incomprehensible inquirers but is such a question really so difficult for one to find an answer for? We just don’t pray because he told us too, we don’t pray because we have too (he already knows what were going to say, right?), we pray because we love too.
God didn’t create robots: he created man with a will to choose to love Him or reject Him; however, God is sovereign choosing his sheep and doing as he pleases (which is a another very good topic). Everything we do for God our father in the name of Christ no matter how small or insignificant brings God joy and honor which is our primary purpose not only to glorify Him but also to enjoy Him forever.
In conclusion, I challenge all who read this to take a moment and consider the importance of just gazing at the stars just how you did when you first saw them so long ago and exclaim with genuine wonder, “Wow!” Don’t make a mess of things and look at life, the universe, and everything as if it were clockwork or some sort of machine, but instead realize that life is wonderful and God is big.
Posted by
Rob W. Oakley
5:00 AM
Thoughts & Opinions
Labels: creative writing, philosophy, readers digest, theology
Happy new year everyone!
Well, to make it a little more official with Google Video and all I've decided to add pictures and even video to our funloving audio updates! Hope you enjoy it :)
Video not working?
Peace Out!
~The Oakleys
Posted by
Rob W. Oakley
2:34 PM
Thoughts & Opinions
Labels: Oakley Audio Update
Blog: |
Renaissance--Man |
Topics: |
Learning, Living, Writing |
By Robert W. Oakley
Who am I? To put it simply, I am a Boy Scout. Allow me to elaborate: A scout is trust worthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent; ask anyone who knows me and they will say, “Rob Oakley is a Boy Scout." Clearly these attributes seem too good to be true—honestly no one is perfect—on the contrary, I strive to do my best and a good turn daily. ¶ I also like to consider myself as a good friend: a friend of understanding and great consideration for others and their feelings. Listening, an ear which is quick to hear, also strikes as an awesome quality; however, it does lack in memory, but I am working on this forgetful mind of mine. Tell me your name and I am bound to forget; get to know me and sooner or later will understand each other; eventually I’ll get the bare minimums down and the names straitened out, but please be patient. ¶ Patience, patience, what an interesting concept; do you ever wonder of all the things you wait for and ask, “Is it ever truly worth it”? Clearly, in many cases it is but surly there was a time when you finally got that something and it didn’t turnout quite like you intended. I hate to wait; then again, I love it, but will there ever really be a day when I will truly want nothing and be made perfect and entire? Of course there will and I count the days and realize they are numbered but heaven waits on the other side—the next greatest adventure. ¶ Life is full of its adventures—large and small, great and tall, few and far between—I grow weary at times when there is nothing to do, but I suppose I could pick up a book and transport almost instantly to the lands unknown and the lands of fantasy. “Why don’t these lands truly exist?” I often wonder “and why must stories end?” I suppose that is why I find writing quite a fancy: where old fables and tales end another begins out of thy own very hand thus creating a new original, personal, exquisite, and extreme theme of wonder (well, at least to my own opinion; I could care less what others would have to say). To be that Hercules, Spartacus, or dragon slayer; to live in Middle earth, Rome, or Alpha Centaury; to even know and become best friends and live together with some of the greatest characters the world has ever known would blow my mind, but alas it will never be so. On the other hand, I do have this life! And I can make it my own; on the other hand, I serve an awesome God who has an incredible plan for me; on the other hand, I don’t know what that plan is, but where ever and what ever it is, I know it will be a time of infamous wonder. ¶ I always strive to set a good example and to be as original as possible. I’d finally consider myself to be an artist (brace yourself). If I could choose any one profession, it simply couldn’t be done: in other words, I want to do everything! Well, at least the things I consider fun, exiting, and beneficial, but where do you draw the line? I want to be an artist--gourmet chef, graphic artist, animator, film maker, producer, director, actor, entertainer, writer, author, musician, conductor. . . . EVERYTHING!!! I want to be a Renaissance Man and a Renaissance Man I shall be! Amen.